Application KINONO
Project: Time Scars in the Earth of Tinos
Name: Heike Penner
Address: Bahnhofanlage 14, 68723 Schwetzingen, Germany
Tel: 0049-6202 926 6969, Mobile: 0049-179 179 4052
Time of residency: 26. September - 18. October
Theme: Earth
Place: Ismael Village
Project: Large scale drawings
Cooperation: drawing workshop
Why the topic earth:
My first association with earth was solidity. Out of the 4 elements to be investigated in this year's cycle it is the most stable one and usually offers safe grounds. However, over time earth is shaped by the other elements: water forms holes and grinds stone to sand which is carried away by wind and water. Much more radical changes occur on a large scale in cases of earthquakes und vulcano eruptions. Furthermore, living species, especially mankind, make a great impact on the element earth and shape it in different ways. While earth is changed and scarred by all these factors over time, many different surfaces and structures are formed and time is made visible and even touchable. To capture these scars in large scale drawings is my aim.
Additionally, I decided to apply for the topic earth because it gets closest to the last two of my photography projects: 1. "Earth of Mannheim" on urban aspects of the relationship between nature and people (examples to be seen in the gallery of my homepage). 2. "LOOSING TOUCH" on the relationship between human beings and nature on a very personal level (exhibition from April, 18th to May, 30th 2020, examples in the galery coming soon). Finally, I have just started on a drawing project which places human beings into photographs of landscapes (see below) reflecting on the relationship of earth and mankind.
So all in all, drawing "time scars" to be found in the earth of Tinos would add a new and important aspect to my work giving it more depth.
Drawing project:
The idea of the drawing project I want to
carry out with Kinono is to capture the
scars in the earth of Tinos which reflect
time in different ways: changes which
have taken place over a long time, such
as shapes caused by water, and changes
which happened only recently e.g. by
someone who made a hole in the earth
for any reason. So my plan is to go to
different places in the mornings, find
scars in the earth, capture the landscape
in a rough sketch, take a photograph to
catch the light situation and take a
frottage to have a good idea of the
structure of the surface. In the afternoons
I will develop large scale drawings from
the mornings' collections. In the end these
drawings shall form an exhibition.
The materials I want to work with include
grey and brown paper, silk tissue, coal,
graphite pens, acrylic felt pens and ball trial drawing of 1m in height (just outside my studio)
pens. The size of the drawings is going to
be approximately 1.5 m by 1.0 m.
Frottages small trial
of 4 different drawing of
structures imagined
earth scars
Concerning the place, I would prefer to work at Ismael Village. As far as I can see from the photos the place seems to offer many different time scars caused by the weather, by mankind, animals and plants. This should lead to a variety of large scale drawings concerned with earth changes in time.
Cooperation project:
As a cooperation project I would offer a 1 day drawing workshop in which participants draw items (stones, drift wood, dead parts of plants...) which either the participants bring with them or I will have collected in the landscape when looking for scars in the earth. At the end of the day the drawings will be prepared for taking part in the drawing exhibition where my "time scars" will be presented.
Participants would need to bring at least 3 sheets of paper size DIN A3, 2 pieces of grey card board DIN A2 and a couple of different pencils, pens or crayons with which they want to draw.
Heike Penner, *1964 near Hamburg, lives and works in the metropol region Rhein-Neckar
since July 2019 free lance artist in own studio
2015 – 2019 study of fine art at the
Freie Kunstakademie Mannheim (FKAM)
1998 – 2005 PhD in Newcastle upon Tyne
1994 – 1995 MSc in Neuropsycholinguistics, Newcastle upon Tyne
since 1988 employment as speech and language therapist,
participation in science projects,
giving seminars
1985 – 1988 training to be a speech language pathologist in Marburg
1984 – 1985 social Year
participation in the OFF-FOTO festival with solo exhibition "LOOSING TOUCH" at the studio DIE BOX
exhibition in physiotherapy pratice with Heike Wiggers and Lars Schnoor
participation in the exhibition "Blick aus dem Fenster" (View from the window), Galerie Ten, Mannheim
participation in the exhibition "Coronale", Kunstverein Mannheim
presentation of my photographic work at the "Talk Fotografie", Reiss Engelhorn Museum, Mannheim
open air presentation of two large prints "C1" and "C2" on the wall of the "zeitraum exit", Mannheim
open air slide show of the series "longing" in Schwetzingen
participation in the summer exhibition at the Freie Kunstakademie Mannheim (FKAM)
"Eine fotografische Interpretation des Haiku" (A photographic interpretation of the Haiku), opening exhibition at the studio DIE BOX
"Arbeiten in Acryl" (works in acrylic), Café Chrysander, Hamburg
participation in the summer exhibition at the FKAM
participation in a group exhibition at the Galerie Alte Turnhalle Bad Dürkheim, „Zwischen Grenzen“
participation in a group exhibition at the Pauline-Maier-Haus, Mannheim
participation in the group exhibition „Kunsthalle Landau“
exhibition "Blaupause" (blueprint) at the Kunstverein Heddesheim together with Christina Detmers and Dennis Abel
participation in the OFF-FOTO exhibition at the FKAM
participation in the summer exhibition at the FKAM
participation in a group exhibition at the Kunstverein Ladenburg, „Der Zauberlehrling“ (the Sourcere's Apprentice)
participation in the OFF-FOTO exhibition at the FKAM
participation in the summer exhibition at the FKAM